In Loving Memory of Jef Raskin March 9, 1943 - February 26, 2005
**FILE**Jef Raskin, a computer interface expert who conceived the Apple Computer Inc. Macintosh computer, is shown with his head-mounted display which he called MicroOptical, at his house in Pacifica, Calif., in 2001. Raskin, 61, died on Saturday. He joined Apple in 1978 as its 31st employee. (AP Photo/Aza Raskin, Raskin Family ho)
(AP)애플사의 매킨토시 컴퓨터를 개발한 컴퓨터 전문가 제프 라스킨이 향년 61세를 일기로 26일 사망했다. - 연합뉴스